Satutes of the Czech Folk-Art AssociationI. GENERAL PROVISIONS
The name of the Association is "The Czech Folk-Art Association” (CFA).
The Association is domiciled in Prague. The Association operates in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The Association is an interest, social, independent and non-political children and youth organization. The Association is an independent legal entity. The Association can cooperate or unite with similar organizations both from the Czech republic and from abroad. II. OBJECT AND AIMS OF THE ASSOCIATION
The target mission of CFA is:
- to unite individuals or folk ensembles whose members, both children and adults, participate in performing folk dances, folk music and verbal folklore; - to organize folk ensembles, to coordinate their activities and to represent their interests, without having a mandatory power towards the members. The aims of CFA are: to help create possibilities and conditions for activities of ensembles and individuals; to protect their interests in face of supreme state and local authorities and other organizations; to encourage cooperation among regional associations, ensembles, groups and individuals; to cooperate with professional, social and other organizations engaged in similar acivities, both in the Czech Republic and abroad; to provide advisory and consultation services for CFA members in cooperation with these organizations; to help create conditions for presenting regional and local traditions of the Czech nation as well as of other natonalities living in the Czech Republic; to organize, independently or together with other organizations, debates, exhibitions, festivals, symposia, sojourns, educational stays, sales, etc., and to perform other activities beneficial to CFA and its aims; to publish information concerning CFA activities, folk ensembles and groups; to protect the copyright as well as other rights of the members. III. MEMBERSHIP
Membership in the Association is voluntary. New members shall be admitted on sending a written application and paying the registration fee.
Members of the Association are following groups: 1. folk ensembles made up of children, youth and adults, 2. individulas, 3. honorary members, 4. contributing members and folk festivals. Membership shall terminate by a written resignation sent to the Secretariat or by the death of the member. Honorary members shall be appointed by the CFA Executive Committee. A member who fails to pay the annual membership fee, shall lose advantages of regular membership (i.e. the right to vote at the General Meeting, a delegation paper for the General Meeting, a membership card, subsidies and two issues of the Association’s official bulletin called "Folklor”). The membership of a member who fails to fulfil his/her duties for two subsequent years shall be considered by the CFA Executive Committee. IV. RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS
Members of the Association have following rights and duties:
to participate in CFA activities; to be informed about these activities; to help implement adopted resolutions; to submit proposals to CFA bodies for further activities; to vote at meetings, either through delegated representatives or personally; to submit proposals for the agenda of a meeting or motions to call a meeting; to establish regional folk associations in order to protect common interests. Regional associations carry out the CFA object and aims in respective regions, having their own legal personality. The cooperation between regional committees and the CFA Executive Committee is based on principles of mutual agreement. If they meet their member obligations, delegated representatives of member ensembles as well as individuals have the right to vote at meetings of the Association and to be elected into CFA bodies. The basic duty of each member is to pay a membership fee. If a memeber is elected, he/she shall observe resolutions and perform his/her tasks with responsibility. Honorary members and contributing members shall be exempt from the duties of regular CFA members. V. BODIES OF THE ASSOCIATION
The supreme body of the Association is the General Meeting. The General Meeting has the capacity:
to sum up achievements of fulfilling CFA aims; to determine tasks of the Executive Committee and to determine the programme of the Association for the period between two General Meetings; to elect and to recall members of the Executive Committee; to resolve upon amendments to the Statutes and to discuss proposals submitted by the Committee or by members of the Association; to adopt the amount of membership fees. The General Meeting shall be called by the Committee at least once in two years. This shall be done by written invitation, three weeks in advance at the latest. The invitation card shall indicate the date, time and place of the meeting, its agenda and a list of proposals the Committee wants to submit for consideration. A member who meets his/her duties shall also receive, together with the invitation card and other documents, a delegation paper, entitling him/her to vote. If required, the delegation paper, signed by the head of an ensemble, gives a member the right to represent the ensemble and to vote at the General Meeting. The CFA Executive Committee is bound to call the General Meeting in following cases: should matters belonging exclusively to the General Meeting be discussed; should interests of the Asssociation require so; should one third of representatives of member ensembles and individuals ask for it. In this case, the Executive Committee is bound to call an extraordinary General Meeting. New resolutions, amendments to the Statutes, or dissolution of the Association shall be passed by an absolute majority. Voting is by show of hands. Should any member ask for it, voting shall be by ballot. If an absolute majority of competent delegates should not meet in time, after one hour the General Meeting is proclaimed to have a quorum and regardless of the number of delagates the meeting starts. The Executive Committee of the Association is an executive body. It has the capacity: to execute resolutions passed by the General Meeting; to act in compliance with other resolutions dealing with powers of the Committee; to cooperate with regional folk associations; to introduce before the General Meeting: 1. report on the activities in the past period, 2. proposals for activities in the coming period, 3. report on finance and auditor’s report, 4. proposals for the level of membership fees, 5. proposals for obtaining resources to ensure the Association’s activities and put them into effect. The Committee has nine members: eight of them (i.e. the President, two Vice-presidents and other members) shall be elected by the General Meeting; the Secretary shall be appointed by the General Meeting upon a motion of the Committee or delegates. The offices of the President and the Secretary are paid offices. The Committee may decide on paying for other important work connected with meeting CFA targets. This is done through the contract of services. Members of the Committee are elected for two years. A member of the Committee may be recalled by the General Meeting, he/she may also resign from the post. Should this happen, his/her office terminates on the day when the resignation is accepted by the Committee. Following every elections, the Committee shall vote for the President, two Vice-presidents and other possible officers from among their number. Voting is by ballot. If the members agree on it, offices may be also assigned according to the number of votes obtained by each member. At least once in three months, The President calls the Executive Committee, the auditing board and presidents of regional associations to meet and decide upon important issues concerning CFA activities. Should any member of the Committee apply in writing, the Committee shall be called within three days from delivery of the request. The meeting is conducted by the President or Vice-president. Meetings are public and the Committee is obliged to notify regional ensembles of the place, date and time of its meeting. The Committee decides on all current activities of the Association, including its organization and finance. It also approves honorary members. If required, the Committee may elect from among their number a board that shall take over some of the powers concerning organization and management. The Commitee may establish boards to perform, organize and manage particular activities. Powers and a sphere of action of such a board shall be defined in advance. VI. FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT
Finance nad management shall observe the rules adopted by the Committee.
The CFA assets consist of: memebreship fees; revenues from possessed property and from activities of the Association; subsidies; gifts, legacy, inheritance and other resources. An essential amount of financial means is deposited in the safe. The amount is determined by the Commitee. Other means are placed in a bank account. Two of the following officers shall have the right of disposition over the account: President, Vice-presidents, Secretary and two members of the Committee at most. The Accountant may also have the right of dispositon, if this position is filled. Should a secondary account with its own dispositon right be established, the principle of two persons sharing the right shall be observed. The disposition right is limited to four people for a secondary account. One of them must be the Secretary or the Accountant of the Association. The Secretary, together with the Accountant, sees to the register of funds and properties. Property management and finance falls within the competence of the Executive Committee. Should the Accountant or the officers who have the right of disposition over the bank account be changed, financial means and property are transferred by a report certificate. The control of management and all its sectors is exercised by the auditing board, at least once in three months. The auditing board shall consisit of at least three members. They are elected by the General Meeting for two years. The registration fee is CZK100 for an ensemble and CZK50 for an individual. It must be paid by a post money order to the address of the Association. The amount of membership fees is approved by the General Meeting for two calendar years. The membership fee must be paid by a post money order indicating the purpose of payment, the number of members and the type of ensemble. It must be paid by the end of February of the respective year. Members who do not pay shall recieve a reminder. VII. FINAL PROVISIONS
The Czech Folk-Art Association may cease to exist by a decision of the General Meeting. According to resolutions of the General Meeting, dissolution and property settlement is carried out by the Committee through a dissolution board, appointed and approved by the General Meeting.
Should the Association cease to exist without a decision of the General Meeting, the property transactions are carried out by a dissolution board established by the Committee itself. This board shall include representatives of regional folk associations as well. DALŠÍ INFORMACE: Folklorní sdružení ČR SOUVISEJÍCÍ TISKOVÉ ZPRÁVY A ČLÁNKY
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